Photo Page: The many ways that God in God's grace has touched Joseph...
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          The Eagle is a spiritual symbol, used for some special and precious qualitites, it has often been misusedin many cases as well; yet it remain a very special symbol...

Like the eagle, and the beautiful picture of the grace that God has and have given unto the children of God, in the symbol of the eagle; It is grace, beauty, power and divine majesty...The pictures that we have and the few that I show here speak to the wonder and the wonderfulness of God's grace to humankind and indeed all creation.

Like the mother eagle, who care for her young, challenging them, encouraging them, even lovingly demanding them to grow up and be all that they were born and created to be; so does God to the humans, God's children.

The Power of unity in family; Larry, Joseph, Troy, Baron, Webster Jr. The love and presence of God is the power that binds families together in in the midst of all the differences that we have.Like a light both lighting our way and leading us safely home to shore...Home to family.

From the lowest depths of the sea to the highest reaches of the mountains, it bears witness to glory and presence of God...

Even in the remotest outpost God makes a way for us to safely gather and worship God, with likeminded believers. I am a firm believer that the is one God and one body of believer. Yet, in the process of God bring us together God has allowed us to gather in many different place until we are truely able to come together in the unity of the faith, and the reality that God has made of one blood all nations of people to dwell upon the face of the earth.... Matthew 16:18 "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." 2 Corinthians 6:15 "And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I WILL DWELL IN THEM, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.

No matter how many there are when even the smallest or the least of God little lamb get lost or hurt, wounded or in destress, Jesus loves every one of us, yet, making sure that the other are left safely God goes after the lost one.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth....

I see the conditions and situations that you live in, and I care, says God....

The Beauty of the Mountains...

Fatherhood is as much about being there as it is about, biology. We need to know that our father cares, understands and wants to be there for for us. In spite of what we may experience God our father is always there for us, even when we can't see him.

God says I will walk in you and talk in you , I will be your God and you will be my people.... God also tells us ...That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit, therefore, God says marvel not that I say unto you that you must be born again...This is a process that brings us back to a point where we went of cource from the place that God want us to begin the journey of growing into that which God created us to be. We got a view and insight into that which God wanted us to be but it was through rebellion and disobedience. This is often called the fall of humans, or of Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden...

     All scripture in given by God and it is profitable for, correction for reproof for instruction in righteousness that the person of God may by complete in all that they need to do that which God has called and ordained they to do. This does not mean that we should second guess God, about who God is or about that which we think that God has called us to do. Knowing the will of God is Spiritual journey, that often has us both on the job and in training at the same time, For there are no Expert in the work and on this Spiritual journey; each of us has a part to play, and a job to do; and whether we do our part or not the job will eventually get done....

Search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life, and the are they that testify of me, says Jesus....

God is always telling us that where you are I am, and where I am you will also be...

God loves the little children all the children of the world red and yellow, black and white they are precious in God's sight. We all are the little children of the worldno matter what age we may be.

From the highest mountain to the lowest Valley, God is there....

     In the heavens and the heavens of heavens, I am there....

And God separated the waters from the dry land...

God and all that God is is indeed the light of the world and the light of humankind...

II the hills and in the valleys....

God was there even when the slaves were being sold on the block, and other human being both watched and participate in it. God did not condone it ; and each transgression against God and other men we shall give account of before God...

In the humblest of existence, God is involved...

The Spirit of God that is,which is the life af all that has life.


The angels are always there with us and for us, guiding us, and ministering unto us, particularly those who are to be and those who are the heirs of salvation....

The Spirit and the Anointing always moving always right here when we need it and want it; always to accomplish the will and tyhe work of God in us and through us

It is the beauty of a child that God wishs us to dwell in, this is the ability of being teachable in the hands of God; this is why it is so critical, and necessary to know, God and ourselves. This is the never-ending Imperative journey....

The Bible is often criticized becaused it is written by men; These people are right in that Men did write the books that have and know as the Bible, They are mistaken and misinformed not knowing and realizing that God used these men as a employer would use a secretary, or a politial would use a speech writer. The words meanings and concepts are God's the writer are men amd women, the language is that which is necessary to communicate with the reader the receivers, of the words of God....

The land belong to GOD, and thus to all life; the human beings are the keepers of the land with authority over all the WORKS of GOD'S hands; How long, I am not sure, but not long after GOD gave us dominion, we have been fighting one another over the possession of the land and that which the land with our help has produced; the true natives of this planet, whether America, Africa, Europe, Asia, or any of the lands North South, East or West, are humans; the various biological differences that we have in that ever unfolding effect of the genetic pool that all humankind come and continue to come out of. As time moves on humans tend to move from one place to the other as we see animals like the carub do in our present time, even as humankind continue to do today, America being a prime example of the migratory habit that is innate in humans....

Just as we tend to see Jesus, and think of God as being much like the physical appearance as we are, so also in the image of the angels, who tend to be in the physical appearance are we are. This is not a matter of right or wrong, it is some that is a mystery, and somthing that God has put within each of us. When we are unable to see the manifestations of God in the image which we bear, it tends to lead to self hatred. when we can see the physical manifestations of God not only in our own personal image, but also in other images as well, we are entering into a relm of Divine freedom, the relm that God created us to dwell in....