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General Information about the links or groups of links shown below.
     The links that you will find here are some that either I have built, or sites that have blessed me in some tangable way. They shall be of various subjecta or points of view, yet edifying and up lifting to the human family, and particularly the Christian family. I shall try to avoid things that are negative to God, creation, and to human beings. That is, unless the subject of Jesus Christ is offensive to you; in that case I ak your indulgence, but I make no apo;ogy for Jesus nor of my belief in Him and love for Him.

One of the best resource spots on the web

Bible Gateway You know us as the Internet's original search engine.
The Covenant Speak One of the most visited hubs on the Internet reaching one out of every two web users.
Google With over half a million sites divided into more than 25,000 categories, Yahoo! is both browseable and searchable.
John Atchison Salon      Here there is care for the hair, skin, and not only that but care for the whole person, body, soul and spirit.

Yahoo Search      When we attempt to speak for God, we make sure that it is indeed God that is speaking through us.
Joseph Speak      When God says that there is one God we must strive to know the truth that consistent with all, and only what One God can be.
Ask Joseph The written word of God as it appears in the basic 66 books of the Bible is a Good, valid, and necessary starting point for learning about God. I believe that any knowledge learned about God is knowledge gain about who we are, where we are and where we are going.
God says there is only one God.... I believe that it is important to the maturing believer to ask and to understand the reality of the God we love worship and serve. We seek to know all we can about our earthly physical root that by chance we may be able to get back to the origin of our family. We hope to learn all we can about the Father and Mother of who we are.
I believe that it is just as important to know The nature of the God who claims to be the Father of us all. From the human prospective, it is impossible to have A father without having a Mother, so we need to know and understand the Mother nature of God, even though this opens the door to more unanswered and hard questions.

Ask Joseph The term ElShaddai refers to GOD and that God is more than enough for all that exist and all that can exist. It is the word of truth that is put forth in Colossians 1:17
"And he is before all things, and by him all things consist."

Not only quality care for the hair and scalp, but care for the wholr person. For John and his associate believe that the total person is valuable...
If God be God, let us serve Him.... Here I attempt to pose the question, even as Elijah did to the prophets of Baal in the old Testament. If GOD be GOD the lets be about our Father's business....
http://www.bible.gospelcom.net Even when you search and study the Word of GOD for yourself, you are still in a position where you need to have revelation klnowledege that can only come from the Spirit of GOD...